Member Legal Resources - ElectionsLegal resources are a benefit of CASB membership and are available only to CASB members. Login to the CASB website is required to access legal resources. If you have questions about accessing member-only resources on the CASB website, click here. The below resources provide general information applicable in all election years.Ballot Issues test:
Plan of Representation:
Fair Campaign Practices Act:Term Limits:Vacancies & Appointments:
Recall Elections:Additional resources:
Colorado Secretary of State (SoS) election resources:
2023 School Board Election:The 2023 Biennial School Board Election took place on November 7, 2023. The next school board election will take place in November 2025. The below links provide information specific to the 2023 election, including deadlines, checklists with dates included, and other resources. Timelines:
Elections Seminar:
The resources provided by CASB's member legal resources department are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Specific questions should be referred to the district's or BOCES's own legal counsel. |