Welcome New Board Members

Congratulations on joining your local school board! Whether you have been on your local board for a few days or a few months, on behalf of our staff and board of directors, welcome aboard!

As you assume the exciting and challenging responsibility of guiding your public schools, we want you to be assured you have our support. The Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB) is your statewide membership association and your local board’s advocate. As a new board member, there is a lot to take in, but here’s a quick look at CASB’s support, services and first steps. 

What is CASB?

CASB is a nonprofit membership organization that helps school board members in Colorado connect and share ideas while promoting the interests and welfare of Colorado students. CASB is guided and governed by a 23-member board of directors, comprised of local school board members representing 12 CASB regions across the state. Find out more at casb.org. Local school boards decide whether to join CASB.

What does CASB offer?

Membership benefits and solutions for school boards: CASB provides services, information and training programs to support school board members as they govern their local districts. A diverse range of benefits and services is included in membership dues, as well as additional fee-based customized solutions that are offered far below market value. 

Advocacy: CASB advocates on behalf of local school boards during the legislative session and throughout the year. Visit our legislative page for more information.

Legal resources: As part of your membership, you’ll receive periodic legal updates. You may also explore legal information on our website and call our legal team with questions.

Policy: On our website, you’ll find sample policies and other resources. You may also call our policy department for help with board policy issues. 

Events: CASB offers a number of conferences and regional meetings throughout the year. Our Annual Convention, held in Colorado Springs in early December, is the largest.  Visit our events page for more information.

Communications: We have a wealth of information online. Throughout the year, we’ll keep you current with legal and policy updates and education news from the legislature. Visit our publications page for more information. We also offer a leadership workbook (member-only access and requires login),which is another valuable resource.

Board development: CASB offers a number of ways to help build your school board team. We are available to facilitate board training in a variety focused areas. You can check out our offerings in our Board training section of our website.

Where do I begin?

As a CASB member, you have access to member-only resources. Make the most of your membership by logging into the website.

•    Click on the blue “Member Login” button on the top right corner of the homepage.
•    Enter your district email as your username.
•    Click on “Forgot your password” to create a 10 character password (for password help, please contact us).

The CASB Board of Directors and staff look forward to working with you as a member of your local school board. Feel free to contact us at any time. Call us (303) 832-1000, email us at info@casb.org or, for a list of staff visit the staff webpage