CASB Board Awards

The Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB) Award Program is designed to recognize and honor public school board members for their commitment to professional development, leadership, and service. The program encourages continuous learning and growth, ensuring that public school board members are well-equipped to effectively govern and support their students and school districts.

Accountability to improved learning and instruction requires that the board and administrator adopt effective school policies, as well as possess a vast range of resources and knowledge in areas such as school law, curriculum, finance, community relations, policy, fiscal accountability, advocacy, and board roles and responsibilities.

Through CASB events, board training, retreats and more, the Association serves our members by providing learning experiences to support growth and professional development. CASB supports both new and veteran board members in order to build their knowledge and effectiveness in boardsmanship and leadership skills. 

The Benefits of Participation in CASB Learning Experiences

  • Board Development - provides extensive learning experiences to support the development of governance skills needed to oversee the education of students in the school district
  • Board / Superintendent Relations - supports the board member's working relationship with the administrator to ensure a quality education for all students
  • Goal Planning - equips board members and administration to collaborate in setting goals to support the vision / mission of the district
  • Advocacy - assists board members in their advocacy role representing students in public education
  • Policy - supports board member's responsibility to set, review, and revise district policy
  • Fiscal Accountability - supports the board's role in fiscal accountability by educating board members on Colorado School Finance
  • Conflict Resolution - provides board members with the necessary resources to assist when facing critical issues that may take the focus away from student learning and achievement 

Board Award Opportunities

Award LevelAward PointsAward
Bronze Level Award50 - 149CASB Magnet
Silver Level Award150 - 349CASB Tumbler
Gold Level Award350 - 449CASB Glass Paperweight
Platinum Level Award450 - 599CASB Wood Plaque
Diamond Level Award600+CASB Cut-Glass Award


Qualifying Activities and Point Attainment

CASB Professional Learning Experiences
Area Regional Meetings15 points
Fall Conference15 points
Annual Convention25 points
Students at Student Leadership Academy15 points
Winter Legislative Conference15 points
Presenter at CASB Conference20 points
Presenter at CASB Convention25 points
CASB Monthly Virtual Calls5 points per call
CASB Webinars10 points per webinar attendance
CASB Advocacy
District Delegate - Delegate Assembly20 points
District Delegate - Business Meeting20 points
LRC Active Voting Member10 points
FRN Active Voting Member10 points
Legislative Testimony on behalf of CASB10 points
CASB Day at the Capitol15 points
Submitted District Resolution10 points


Board Leadership

CASB Facilitated Board Training & Board Self-Assessment

20 points
CASB Facilitated Board Retreat20 points
CASB Facilitated Strategic Planning35 points
CASB Academies30 points/course
CASB Services
Policy Audit10 points
Policy Update Services (ODPM)20 points
Board Retreat (non-CASB)15 points
CASB Board of Director5 points/quarterly meeting
Boardbook15 points
National Learning Experiences
NSBA Winter Legislative Conference 15 points
NSBA Annual Convention15 points
NSBA Conference Presenter15 points
NSBA Committee / Task Force5 points/meeting


Award Information:
  • Awards are presented during area regional meetings.
  • Award points are earned from August 1 - July 31.
  • Points are recognized when members register for events and attend.
  • Virtual calls and webinar points are recognized when members are involved in the call/webinar, not simply registering and receiving the recording.
  • Points accrue from year to year.

CASB President's Board Award Criteria

  • All board members must attain a minimum of the Silver Award.
  • The Board must have a voting delegate participate in the Fall Delegate Assembly and the Annual Business Meeting.
  • Each member of the Board must attend a minimum of three of the following Learning Opportunities during the current points year (August 1 through July 31): CASB Annual Convention, CASB Area Regional Meeting, CASB Fall Conference and Delegate Assembly, CASB Day at the Capitol, NSBA Annual Convention (one per individual board member will count toward the board award.)
  • Board Retreat and Board Goals: the full board must participate in a board goal planning retreat/work session during the Award Year (August 1 through July 31). The goals must be specific to improve board governance. Credit toward the President's Board Award is dependent upon the board submitting copies of the following documentation: board retreat minutes reflecting attendance of participating board members and the board goals created.
  • The total points accumulated by the board must equal a minimum of 1,000.
  • The total points earned during the current Board Development year (by individuals serving on the board as of July 31), must equal a minimum of 350.
  • The deadline for earning the President's Board Award will be July 31. To be considered for the award, all changes to individual points must be submitted through the web portal to the CASB office before July 15.
  • Boards who are recipients of the President's Board Award will be presented the award at their local area regional meetings and recognized at the CASB Annual Convention.

CASB Board of Excellence Award Criteria

  • Board members must attain a minimum of the Bronze Award.
  • The Board must have a voting delegate participate in the Annual CASB Business Meeting and the Fall Delegate Assembly.
  • Each member of the Board must attend a minimum of three of the following Learning Opportunities during the current points year (August 1 through July 31): CASB Annual Convention, CASB Area Regional Meeting, CASB Fall Conference and Delegate Assembly, CASB Day at the Capitol, NSBA Annual Convention (one per individual board member will count toward the board award.)
  • Board Retreat and Board Goals: the full board must participate in a board goal planning retreat/work session during the Award Year (August 1 through July 31). The goals must be specific to improve board governance. Credit toward the President's Board Award is dependent upon the board submitting copies of the following documentation: board retreat minutes reflecting attendance of participating board members and the board goals created.
  • The total points accumulated by the board must equal a minimum of 1,000.
  • The total points earned during the current Board Development year (by individuals serving on the board as of July 31), must equal a minimum of 350.
  • The Board of Excellence Award may be awarded to boards who meet the above criteria with the exclusion of one board member, i.e., 4 of 5 board members for a five-member board; 6 of 7 board members for a seven-member board, etc.
  • The deadline for earning the Board of Excellence Award will be July 31. To be considered for the award, all changes to individual points must be submitted through the web portal to the CASB office before July 15.
  • Boards who are recipients of the Board of Excellence Award will be presented the award at their local area regional meetings and recognized at the CASB Annual Convention