CASB Delegate Assembly & Business Meeting
Delegate Assembly - October 19 at the Pueblo Convention Center
Business Meeting - December 5 at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs
The Delegate Assembly is the foundation of CASB’s governance structure and provides critical direction to CASB when it represents members’ interests before state and national policymakers.
Each CASB member school district has the opportunity to send a voting delegate to the annual Delegate Assembly. It does not matter if your school district has 150 students or 30,000 students: each delegate vote counts the same.

Through their Delegate, every CASB member board receives a vote, and the resolutions adopted at the Assembly help to guide our organization in advocating for laws, rules, and regulations that will support each and every student in Colorado. These resolutions, in conjunction with guidance from the CASB Board of Directors, the Federal Relations Network, and the Legislative Resolutions Committee, provide the foundation for CASB efforts at the State Capitol in Denver and on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.
The Assembly begins with adopting the standing resolutions that “roll over” from year to year. The standing resolutions highlight the foundational elements of the CASB legislative platform. Following the standing resolutions, Delegates will debate new legislative resolutions submitted by CASB members. This process ensures that resolutions reflect the current issues and concerns of Colorado boards of education.
Please contact Matt Cook with any questions or concerns regarding the resolutions or CASB's advocacy.