
What is CASB?

The Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB) is a nonprofit organization focused on supporting school board members throughout the state.

CASB was established in 1940 to provide a structure through which school board members could unite in their efforts to promote the interests and welfare of Colorado’s 178 school districts.

CASB is nonpartisan. We represent and advocate for more than 1,000 school board members and superintendents statewide to groups both within and outside the K–12 education community.

Additionally, CASB’s staff provides school board members with research-based professional development opportunities, policy and legal services, and legislative advocacy support based on the democratically determined priorities of school board members statewide.

What are CASB’s vision, mission, and goals?

The CASB Vision: Excellence in public education through effective leadership and the collective action of locally elected school boards.

The CASB Mission: The Colorado Association of School Boards, through leadership, service, training, and advocacy, engages and supports local boards of education to advance a system of public schools where each and every student is equipped to meet their full potential.

CASB’s specific positions and goals are determined by the membership and established by the Board of Directors, composed of locally elected school board members, chosen by their peers, to represent all 12 regions of the state.

What does CASB do?

CASB provides school board members with research-based leadership development opportunities, policy and legal resources, and legislative advocacy support.

Learn more about the services available to CASB members. 

Learn more about CASB’s professional development opportunities and resources.

Is there any citizen oversight of CASB?

Yes. CASB’s membership, board members from all 178 school districts in Colorado, are locally elected by the citizens of their community to serve on their local school board. Those local school board members vote to elect their peers for service on the CASB Board of Directors and CASB’s standing committees.

What regulatory authority does CASB have?

None. Because CASB is not a legislative body or government agency, CASB has no regulatory authority.

How are CASB’s positions determined?

CASB’s positions are determined through a long-standing democratic process. Each summer, member school boards may submit proposed resolutions to provide input on public education issues for the next state legislative session. These resolutions are voted on by the CASB Delegate Assembly at CASB’s annual Fall Conference and Delegate Assembly.

All CASB member school districts may have a voting delegate attend the annual Delegate Assembly. It does not matter if your school district has 150 students or 30,000 students: each delegate vote counts the same.

At the annual Delegate Assembly meeting, all proposed resolutions are discussed and voted on. Those adopted by the delegates become the guiding principles for CASB’s work in the coming year. 

Learn more about how a proposal becomes a CASB position here.

Learn more about CASB’s current legislative priorities.

Do CASB’s legislative positions become law?

Maybe. CASB is not a legislative body and does not have rulemaking authority. 

CASB advocates on behalf of the positions adopted at the annual CASB Delegate Assembly at the state and federal level by supporting favorable legislation, working to kill proposed bills that are in opposition to CASB’s member interests, and partnering with other legislative entities and advocacy groups to strengthen our lobbying efforts on shared issues.

While this process raises awareness of key public education concerns and may lead to favorable policy implementation, it is not guaranteed that CASB’s positions will be reflected in final legislative outcomes. 

Here is a side-by-side comparison of how a proposed resolution becomes a CASB position and how a bill becomes a law in the Legislature.

Curious about Colorado's legislative process? Join us for a Day at the Capitol to see the process first-hand, interact with legislators, and give voice to the important issues facing school districts throughout the state.

Learn more about CASB’s positions on current statewide ballot initiatives.

Learn more about how a bill becomes a law in Colorado here.

Why does a statewide association advocate in the legislature?

CASB lobbies the state legislature on behalf of its members in accordance with the resolutions adopted by the CASB Delegate Assembly.

CASB is uniquely positioned to advocate for public education interests at the state level due to its broad membership and commitment to supporting all 178 school districts throughout the state.

CASB also assists local school board members in developing and advancing their own advocacy skills when working with the Legislature to address the needs of their local school districts.

Does CASB require/mandate training for school board members?

No. CASB does not have the authority to require training of school board members. However, CASB offers a variety of optional training services for boards in the following areas:
  • Roles and Responsibilities

  • Community Engagement

  • Habits of Effective Boards

  • Policy Governance

  • Much more!

CASB also offers additional district-specific training upon request.

How does CASB interact with its members?

CASB offers throughout the year in order to support its members and strengthen their board governance role. From conferences and workshops to regional meetings and our annual convention, our goal is to provide members with the knowledge and tools necessary for their school board leadership role.

In addition to these events, CASB provides a variety of services, information and training programs to support school board members as they govern their local districts. Membership benefits and solutions are designed to enhance school board effectiveness and help board members increase their knowledge, boost their efficiency and connect with their communities.

Does CASB provide policy support services?

CASB offers a menu of policy services designed to promote effective school board governance and assist boards with their essential policy role. A comprehensive explanation of CASB’s policy offerings is available here.

Does CASB provide
legal advice?

No. CASB's Member Legal Resources Team provides general legal information to member boards of education, administrators, school attorneys, and others as a benefit of CASB membership.

Any resources/information provided is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Specific questions should be referred to the district's or BOCES's own legal counsel.

What does CASB offer for new board members?

Local school board elections are held in November of odd-numbered years.  To help newly elected board members gain a better understanding of the board’s role and responsibilities, CASB offers a variety of training tools and information. Throughout the year, CASB offers a wide range of professional development opportunities, both in-person and virtually. 

Learn more about upcoming events and professional development opportunities.

All school board members from CASB member districts also receive access to the CASB School Board Leadership Workbook, the go-to guide for information and inspiration related to your work as a school board member. This publication, released during school board election years, provides important, up-to-date information on topics related to board work such as local governance, student achievement, school finance, and many more.