CASB Connections Podcasts

CASB Legal Podcasts for CASB Members!

Through the lens of school board development, join CASB staff, members and guests as they explore public education topics in order to connect with members in their leadership development journey.

All of this programming is available for free; just install an app on your phone and download the shows you want to hear. You can listen to the podcasts on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. 





Episode 5 - Public Comment and Social Media (28 min)

Learn the ins and outs of public comment during school board meetings, as well as what constitutes public comment when it comes to social media use by school board members. Rachel Amspoker, CASB Staff Attorney, and Sonja McKenzie, Cherry Creek School District Chief Counsel, share the details involved in public comment and best practices that you will want to hear and put into practice.

Episode 4 - Quorums and Electronic School Board Participation (7 min)

Electronic participation during school board of education meetings has changed the way school board quorums work in Colorado. With the passage of HB20-1301, which allows electronic participation for school board quorums, boards need to make sure they have their electronic participation policies in place. Hear what's been updated and what your board needs to make sure they've addressed.

Episode 3 - Understanding the Colorado Open Records Act (24 min)

Want more information on the Why, What, and How of the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA)? Find out why CORA requests are a good thing, as well as best practices to follow when you do receive a request.

Interview with Evan Gaffey, Chief Legal Counsel and General Counsel

Episode 2 - Legal Topics 101: Colorado Open Meetings Law and More Part II (51 min)

Public comment during a school board meeting is important and there are ways to accommodate your community voice. Learn best practices for public comment, conflict of interest, the Colorado Open Records Act, social media and email do’s and don’ts, and much more.

Interview with Jennifer Mueller, Former CASB Legal Counsel and General Counsel

Discussion Guide: Legal Topics 101- The Colorado Open Meetings Law Part II

Episode 1 - Legal Topics 101: The Colorado Open Meetings Law Part I (43 min)

Whether you're a new board member or one that's been serving for a while, you're sure to gain valuable information from this episode on the Colorado Open Meetings Law. Topics covered are the eight reasons executive session can be called, the difference between discussion and strategy, the two reasons executive sessions don't have to be electronically recorded, and much more. Use your 2019 CASB Leadership Workbook, check out CASB's website in the A-Z resource center, download the podcast discussion guide, and make sure you catch Part II on public comment. 

Interview with Jennifer Mueller, Former CASB Chief Legal Counsel and General Counsel

Discussion Guide: Legal Topics 101- The Colorado Open Meetings Law Part I