Know where you stand

Goal: You and your district will develop specific recommendations and/or official
positions on issues that will be decided by others at the local, state and federal levels.




Have a process to adopt positions on major issues and policies.

  • Adopt positions on major policy questions as a board, including action by the Colorado General Assembly, State Board of Education, Congress, or state and federal agencies.
  • Provide input to the CASB legislative and advocacy team, the Legislative Resolutions Committee, and Federal Relations Network
  • Review the  CASB Resolutions Book adopted at CASB’s Delegate Assembly.
  • Adopt a district legislative priority list prior to the General Assembly session beginning in January. Include CASB positions, if possible.
  • Determine whether to designate authorized representatives of the board on policy positions (superintendent, other staff or district lobbyist, board president, governmental relations designee).



Communicate those positions internally and externally.

  • Brief your teachers and other district groups on legislative issues.
  • Invite key leaders of your community — business, local government, service clubs, churches — to a meeting on how your schools are responding to national and state requirements, as well as local needs and values. Discuss how proposed legislative issues will affect your schools and community.
  • Host a districtwide meeting of parent organizations and booster clubs to review the impact of legislative issues on public education generally, and your schools in particular.
  • Consider joint meetings with other districts or organizations with similar goals (other education groups, local government, businesses, child and family services) to review district positions, learn about other interests and seek common goals and strategies.