Know your district

Goal: You will have a clear understanding of the impact of state and federal action on your district based on the characteristics of your students, families, economic interests and region.


Work with your school district staff in order to prepare a report on the key facts about your district, compared to state and regional averages. Examples of items to include are as follows:

  • Current enrollment, trends and projections;
  • Characteristics of students and the impact on special needs and program costs, including special education, low income or at-risk, limited English proficient, vocational/career and technical education, transportation costs, and turnover;
  • Student achievement measures: state and local assessments, graduation rates, college and career preparation;
  • Curricular and extracurricular programs offered by the district, and special programs and services (preschools, virtual schools, alternative schools and others);
  • Joint programs and services provided with other districts, local government, higher education, the military and others;
  • Budget trends: total and per-pupil spending, major categories of revenue and expenditures, state aid versus local revenues under current formulas, federal funding;
  • Employees, salaries and benefits, teacher contracts;
  • Budget allocations: district spending on major budget categories (instruction, student and teacher support, administration, operations and maintenance, transportation, food service, capital expenditures and debt service, cash balances and reserves);
  • Potential changes in district structure: change in number or use of existing buildings; district consolidation or cooperative agreements with other districts;
  • Economic trends in your district: population change, employment, major employers, impact of schools.