Conflict of Interest OverviewPublic office is not to be used for the profit, gain or private interest of any individual. To maintain public confidence in the office and to prevent the use of public office for private gain, it is important for members of the board of education to publicly disclose any potential conflict of interest. The board is required to adopt a policy relating to conflicts of interest for its own members. C.R.S. § 22-32-109(1)(y). A board member who has a personal or private interest in any matter proposed or pending before the board shall disclose that interest to the board, abstain from voting on the matter and refrain from attempting to influence other members of the board. C.R.S. § 24-18-109(3)(a). State law creates a narrow exception allowing a board member with a conflict to vote if the board member has made specific disclosures. Those situations that present a potential conflict of interest for a member of the board of education generally are those in which a board member will derive a private financial benefit from board actions. Members of the board of education should familiarize themselves with the board’s conflict of interest policy and state laws on standards of conduct. |