CASB Rural Series Podcasts for CASB Members!
Through the lens of school board development, join CASB staff, members and guests as they explore public education topics in order to connect with members in their leadership development journey.
All of this programming is available for free; just install an app on your phone and download the shows you want to hear. You can listen to the podcasts on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Rural Series:
Episode 2 - Rural Teacher Recruitment and Retention (27 min)
Find out what's being accomplished in the efforts to address rural teacher recruitment and retention in Colorado and how districts can utilize existing programs to grow their own recruits. Dr. Lori Reinsvold and Dr. Valerie Sherman will share what the Colorado Center for Rural Education has in place and how, through collaborative forces, the Center's programs are growing beyond what they envisioned.
Interview with: Dr. Lori Reinsvold, Co-director for the Colorado Center for Rural Education, Associate Director for the Mathematics and Science Teaching Institute in the College of Natural and Health Sciences at the University of Northern Colorado & Dr. Valerie Sherman, Rural Education Coordinator for the Colorado Center for Rural Education, former professor at the University of Northern Colorado and former K12 classroom teacher.
Discussion Guide: Rural Teacher Recruitment and Retention
Episode 1 - Long Advocacy for Rural School Districts (22 min)
Long advocacy for rural school districts is gaining momentum and it has taken a collaborative effort. Find out what long advocacy is and how pinto beans created a bond between rural and urban students!
Interview with: Michelle Murphy, Colorado Rural School Alliance Executive Director; Bret Miles, Northeast Colorado BOCES Executive Director; Matt Cook, CASB Director of Public Policy and Advocacy.