CASB Policy Podcasts for CASB Members!Through the lens of school board development, join CASB staff, members and guests as they explore public education topics in order to connect with members in their leadership development journey.
POLICYEpisode 6 - The Policy Review Process (17 min) Is the policy review process somewhat confusing? CASB's Policy Specialists, Kristina Gutierrez and Holly Burg, break it down into steps so you know how to organize your board meeting agenda, who should have input into policy updates, and depending on your board policy BG, how many meetings you are required to have in order to adopt policy and/or policy updates.
If you're a new board member you may be a bit overwhelmed with the policy coding system. This podcast shares the why and the what to the system so you can become familiar with your board policies in no time. Make sure to access CASB's top 20 policies board members should know, which is available on our website at
Policy guides the direction of public school board members as they govern their school district. If you need a refresher on the reasoning behind 1st and 2nd readings this Grab and Go podcast provides the information so you can grab what you need to get going as a school board leader.
Gain insight and practical steps your board can take in making sure school board meetings are policy-focused. Without a policy-focused meeting, boards may make decisions that have negative consequences for their district, their students and their community. Local school districts are creatures of statute, formed by the law and subject to the law. Discover the legal structure that affects school boards in Colorado from the federal to state to district levels.
A conversation on policy basics with Jeri Hodgson-Fleuter, Former CASB Deputy Executive Director and Policy Director, and host Leslie Bogar, Director of Professional Learning & Events. Find more information in CASB's 2019 Leadership Workbook as well as in the A to Z section on their website at |