CASB Podcasts for CASB members!

Through the lens of school board development, join CASB staff, members and guests as they explore public education topics in order to connect with members in their leadership development journey.

All of this programming is available for free; just install an app on your phone and download the shows you want to hear. You can listen to the podcasts on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. 




Other Topics:

Episode 14 - Meet Colorado's New Commissioner of Education: Susana Cordova (19 min)

Susana Cordova is Colorado's newest Commissioner of Education and she brings of wealth of education knowledge with her to this position. Susana is not new to Colorado or education. Get to know her and her hopes and dreams for the education system in our state that benefits all students regardless of where they live.


Episode 13 - Connecting with Peter Sheahan, CASB's 83rd Annual Convention Keynote Speaker (11 min)

Peter Sheahan, well known leadership consultant and speaker, is joining CASB for their 83rd Annual Convention on Friday, December 8, 2023 to speak on AI, K12 education, and student mental health. Hear what Peter has in mind for his keynote address and why you should attend.


Episode 12 - Communications Plan (12 min)

Does your district have an updated communications plan in place? Learn how to create a plan or update your current plan regardless of your district's size. We cover the basics starting with knowing your "Why" and moving on to the "What" and "How". We also dive into crisis communication plans. At CASB, we've got you covered with best practices and this practice focuses on your district's communication strategy and plan.

Communications Plan Template

Episode 11 - Electric School Bus Grant Program (14 min)

Join CASB's Communication Specialist Bryce Reedy and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment's Steve McCannon as they discuss the Electric School Bus Grant Program. Steve dives into the requirements for districts, how the grant process works, its potential advantages for reducing pollution, and much more.

Colorado Electric School Bus Grant Program Home Page

Clean Fleet Vehicle & Technology Grant Program Home Page

Episode 10 - CASB's BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative Program & PPE (16 min)

If you are planning on purchasing Personal Protective Equipment for reopening schools in the fall, now is the time to act. CASB's partnership with BuyBoard links you with PPE vendors and it's free to you as a CASB member. Learn more and activate your membership now!

Interview with Travis Maese, Assistant National Director for BuyBoard.


Episode 9 - 
Updates on the Education Front (8 min)


The College Board has changed its mind as far as offering an online SAT test, your body language during a school board meeting may say more than you'd like, and FAFSA applications in Colorado took a dive. Check out these updates on the education front.

Episode 8 - Peak Health Alliance and Saving Districts Money (22 min)

Peak Health Alliance is a purchasing alliance that provides the ability for districts to save money on employee health insurance. It's Colorado grown and customizable to the needs of community members. 

Interview with Tamara Pogue, former CEO for Peak Health Alliance.

Episode 7 - The Multi-Tiered System of Supports for K12 Schools (28 min)

Learn the basics of the Multi-Tiered System of Supports, or MTSS, and how school boards can help to promote universal mental health for each and every student. Find out about online training and more.

Interview with clinical psychologists Lisa Costello, Ph.D and Catherine Wolcott, Ph.D

Episode 5 - Initiative 271 Fair Tax Colorado (27 min)

Learn about Initiative 271 Fair Tax Colorado, which includes benefits to tax payers, education, and much more. Cheri Wrench, CASB Executive Director, Bret Miles, CASE Executive Director, and Abby Vining, Vision 2020 Network Manager share the details and give listeners a call to action in order to get this initiative on the November 2020 ballot.

Episode 4 - The Coffee Cart Program: A SPED Program (18 min)


The Coffee Cart Program (CCP) is a job and life skills curriculum for high school special education students with the goal of helping each student seek, obtain, and retain employment after high school. It's a wonderful program bent on making sure students do not become one of the 80% of disabled adults that are unemployed.

Join Julie Lang, Cotapaxi school district board member, attorney & founder of the Gus Belt Family Foundation along with former CCP student, Victoria, as they share their insights on the success of the program.

Episode 3 - A 2020 Census Conversation (40 min)

The 2020 Census is from 3/12/20 through 7/31/20. As a district leader, your goal should be community participation. Hear about available resources to reach that goal and much more. Be a leader in the process.

Interview with: Dr. Rebecca Theobald, Assistant Research Professor at UCCS; Dr. Melissa Colsman, CDE Associate Commissioner for Student Learning; Nadeen Ibrahim, 2020 Census Partnership Specialist

Discussion Guide: A 2020 Census Conversation

Episode 1 - Moving Past Turnaround (26 min)
Accountability Clock. Performance Watch. What does this mean to school districts and what support does the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) offer through the Turnaround Network? It's more than you think. Lindsey Jaeckel and Nicole Monet share details on the support their department provides to districts and schools - heart and soul - as members of CDE's Turnaround Network.

Interview with: Lindsey Jaeckel, CDE Director of Turnaround Support & former school teacher; Nicole Monet, Turnaround Support Manager & former school teacher & leader. 

Discussion Guide: Moving Past Turnaround