CASB Connections Podcasts

CASB Podcasts for CASB members!

Through the lens of school board development, join CASB staff, members and guests as they explore public education topics in order to connect with members in their leadership development journey.

All of this programming is available for free; just install an app on your phone and download the shows you want to hear. You can listen to the podcasts on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. 




Onboarding New Board Members:

Episode 4 - Onboarding New Board Members Part 4 (8 min)

There are multiple areas new board members should be oriented to in the onboarding process. These include orientation to the board, orientation to board member responsibilities and those of the superintendent, and orientation to the district. This podcast focuses on orientation to the board and the district and the documents and protocols necessary to help your new members get up to speed.



Episode 3 - Onboarding New Board Members Part 3: Roles and Responsibilities (8 min)

Are you a new board member? Do you understand the difference between your role and your board responsibilities? When it comes to the role and responsibilities of the board it is imperative that board members understand what this means to them both individually and collectively. Effective boards know their lane of operation and do their best to stay in that lane. In this podcast you'll learn more about your lane.


Episode 2 - Onboarding New Board Members Part 2 (8 min)

Part 2 in this series focuses on sharing the district's vision, mission, and strategic plan process. A shared vision is imperative for a well-functioning board governance team. A vision action plan is necessary in order to move the district forward with the goal of improved student achievement for all students. A vision without a plan is not actionable. Get new board members on the same page by sharing the process up front.


Episode 1 - Onboarding New Board Members Part 1 (7 min)

Do you have an onboarding plan for your new board members? There's still time to get one in place and this series of Onboarding podcasts will help you get there. Effective boards onboard new members well so they can get to work as a united team. Hear an overview of 11 steps you can begin to discuss with your board members in order to create a great onboarding plan.