CASB Podcasts for CASB members!Through the lens of school board development, join CASB staff, members and guests as they explore public education topics in order to connect with members in their leadership development journey.
Governance:Episode 5 - Policy Governance (15 min) Board Governance. What is it and how many models of school board governance exist? Join Director of Public Policy & Advocacy, Matt Cook, and Policy Specialist Kristina Gutierrez as they dive into all things policy governance.
The school board president is responsible for setting the tone and demeanor of the board and so much more. If you are new to this role or have future aspects of running for school board president, the insights and wisdom shared in this podcast are worth listening to. You'll gain insights from Tammie Delaney, Hayden School District school board president, and Karin Reynolds, former school board president for Academy District 20, as they share their experience serving in this important position.
School board members are elected to govern their school district and many times this is much harder than it sounds. It boils down to the role and responsibilities of a school board member and if they choose to follow them or not. Two board presidents share their wisdom and insights gained from years of experience with boards that have stayed within the guardrails, as well as those that have driven through them.
HB20-1301 allows Colorado school boards to meet electronically. What does this look like? CASB's staff attorney, Sam Jones-Rogers and CASB Executive Director, Cheri Wrench, share facts associated with the bill and insights into how boards can meet electronically. This podcast was created from the CASB Conversations HB20-1301 webinar recorded on March 25, 2020.
Learn what it takes to work on the school board budget, where it comes from and how to navigate incorporating the vision for placing students first in the process. School board budget experts, Glenn Gustafson and Barb Clementi share insights and tips into making the budget work for your district. |