CASB Connections Podcasts

CASB Podcasts for CASB members!

Through the lens of school board development, join CASB staff, members and guests as they explore public education topics in order to connect with members in their leadership development journey.

All of this programming is available for free; just install an app on your phone and download the shows you want to hear. You can listen to the podcasts on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. 




Equitable Outcomes:

Episode 3 -  An Equitable Outcomes Discussion with Bill de la Cruz (33 min)

The terms Equity and Equitable Outcomes are not one in the same. Bill de la Cruz, personal transformation guru in the field of foundational bias, shares the meaning behind both terms and how school board members and others can move forward in their goal to provide opportunity, access, and inclusion for their students and staff.

Episode 2 - Voices of Education in Colorado with Bill de la Cruz (37 min)

Bill de la Cruz is known for his insight into personal bias, but it is more than insight. Bill shares information for all individuals that want to grow in their cultural awareness and develop skills that enable them to work toward collaborative efforts.

Interview with Bill de la Cruz

Episode 1 - Voices of Education in Colorado with Dr. Joyce Brooks (38 min)
In our nation, the story of inequity has many faces and Dr. Joyce Brooks is one of them. Growing up separated and not equal to championing for equity in our education system, Dr. Brooks takes us on her journey and what it means for all groups to come to the table for our students.

Interview with: Dr. Joyce Brooks: Great Education Colorado Board Member, NAACP CO Education Chair, CO Industrial Areas Foundation Steering Committee

Reference Information: Voices of Education in Colorado with Dr. Joyce Brooks