CASB Connections Podcasts

CASB Board Candidate Series Podcasts for CASB Members!

Through the lens of school board development, join CASB staff, members and guests as they explore public education topics in order to connect with members in their leadership development journey.

All of this programming is available for free; just install an app on your phone and download the shows you want to hear. You can listen to the podcasts on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. 



Board Candidates Series:

Episode 4 - School Board Candidate Wrap-Up (5 min)
Before you jump onto the campaign trail, make sure you've completed a proper self-reflection. The steps shared in this podcast will be your last look in the mirror before heading to community forums and events.

Reflection Guide: School Board Candidate Wrap-Up

Episode 3 - Preparing Candidates with the End in Mind (20 min)

Mary Nichols and Sue Chandler benefited from their school board candidate orientation and have experience to share. Learn how districts can create their own board orientation program.

Interview with: Mary Nichols, former LPS board member, former CASB Board of Directors, CASB McGuffey Award recipient & CASB All State Board Award. Sue Chandler, former LPS board member, CASB McGuffey Award recipient, CASB All State Board Award.

Episode 2 - Campaign Best Practices (15 min)

You've made the decision to run for a seat on your school board. Step 1 accomplished! Now it's time to create a campaign strategy. Jan Tanner, former CASB Board of Directors President, former President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Citizen Treasurer for District 11 in Colorado Springs and current board member for the Citizens Project and the Pikes Peak Restorative Justice Council, shares what she learned through three successful campaigns. 

Episode 1 - School Board Candidate Wisdom  (25 min)

Thinking about running for your local school board? This conversation about the journey is full of wisdom and insight as shared by Carrie Warren-Gully, CASB Board of Directors Past President and Littleton Public Schools Board of Education Treasurer along with Nancy Sarchet, CASB Board of Directors Executive Committee member and Weld County RE-1 Board of Education President and Randy Black, CASB Director of Member Relations with host Leslie Bogar, CASB Director of Professional Learning & Events