step 1 

Know the issues

Goal: You and your school board will know and understand local, state, and national issues concerning school districts.

know the issues

  • Each board of education should designate a member as a legislative liaison to take the lead in board advocacy activities.
  • Locate and bookmark the bills graphic and bill tracker pages on the CASB website.
  • Include a regular item on your board meeting agenda to review current state and federal issues and discuss their impact on the district and the board’s response.
  • District administration should receive information from state agencies such as the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) and should prepare regular reports to the board and community.
  • Respond to CASB calls to action and requests for information.
  • Encourage public comments at board meetings, hearings and community listening events at schools and other locations in your district.
  • Provide structured opportunities for the public to listen and speak on key issues. This could include holding public forums on specific public and legislative issues concerning your district.