CASB Connections Podcasts

CASB COVID-19 Podcasts for CASB Members!

Through the lens of school board development, join CASB staff, members and guests as they explore public education topics in order to connect with members in their leadership development journey.

All of this programming is available for free; just install an app on your phone and download the shows you want to hear. You can listen to the podcasts on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. 




COVID-19 Series:

Episode 8 - The ESSER Tell Your Story Campaign (24 min)

The Tell Your Story Campaign has been created so that school districts can share relevant first-hand knowledge with their community members in regard to the importance of public education, how the district has and is using the federal stimulus funds, and more. 

East Grand School District Superintendent, Frank Reeves, shares his district's story and why it is important for all districts to share their story. CASB has resources to help school districts share the story of how they've utilized their share of the federal stimulus funds (ESSER). 

Episode 7 - Some Great Stories: 2020 End of Year K12 Ceremonies (46 min)

It's been a nontraditional and even tough end to the school year and we all need to hear some good stories. Every district has great stories commemorating the end to their year and in this podcast you'll hear stories from Vilas RE-5, Montezuma-Cortez RE-1, Buena Vista, and Cheyenne Mountain District 12. Take a break, settle down, and listen to some good news.
Interviews with: John Wittler, Sherri Wright, Suzette Hachmann, John Fogarty

Episode 6 - Budgeting During a State Fiscal Crisis 2.0 (57 min)

We've heard the interim update on the state revenue forecast and the Joint Budget Committee deliberations, and what school boards must grapple with in order to balance their budget is coming into focus. Join Tracie Rainey, Executive Director, Colorado School Finance Project, Dave Montoya, Executive Director of Finance, Poudre School District, and Matt Cook, CASB Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, as they discuss what we know and provide best practices on budgeting through a state fiscal crisis.

Episode 4 - Budgeting During a State Fiscal Crisis (56 min)

The COVID-19 shutdown has created a state fiscal crisis and school boards must navigate uncharted territory as they prepare their district budgets. Join Tracie Rainey, Diane Doney, and Matt Cook as they discuss possibilities, CARE stimulus funds, timelines, and much more. This podcast is taken from the CASB Conversations webinar on April 22, 2020.

Episode 1 - Need to Know: COVID-19 and HB20-1301 for Colorado (9 min)

HB20-1301 has paved the way for Colorado school boards to hold meetings during the ongoing crisis of COVID-19. CASB has information that boards need to know in regard to 1301 and the current status of requirements for schools during the COVID-19 pandemic.